China Trade Centre Tasmania Australia
Issued: 26/09/2008   
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The details and materials presented on this website and the Chinese version in have been provided by China Trade Centre (Tasmania) Pty Ltd A.C.N. 126 400 637 (“CTC”) as a general information source only and you should not rely on this information alone. CTC makes no statements, representations, warranties about the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this website. CTC has used all reasonable endeavours to protect and keep confidential any person identifiable in its possession in relation to its members or website visitors. If any confidential person’s details are accessed by a third party, whether by negligence or otherwise of CTC, its associates, consultants, suppliers, contractors, related entities, affiliates or associated parties, to the extent permitted by law, CTC is not liable for any loss, damage, costs or other form of liability.

CTC further disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in anyway, and for any reason. Visitors to this website should make their own inquiries to verify the information contained in and

Artist’s impression and/or floor plan of any building shown in this website are for illustration purposes only and should not be regarded as final. It should also be noted that the proposed China Trade Centre building is still subject to approval of the development and building plans by the local council.

Internet information quoted or sourced are to the best of CTC’s knowledge and belief are to be true and correct at time of issue.

The Chinese version on is purely to help the Chinese visitors who do not understand the English language. CTC  is not responsible for the accuracy of the translation and readers are asked to seek their own translation and verification of the information provided on both the websites.



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